

  • Epoch Length: 28,800 Seconds (8 Hours)

  • Advance() incentive: 100 VSD

  • LP Lockup: 15 Epochs

Expansion and Contraction


  • Price source: Uniswap USDC/VSD, DAI/VSD, USDT/VSD

  • Oracle Minimum: 10,000 VSD

  • Method: Uniswap V2 Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP)


  • Initial LP pools: Uniswap USDC/VSD, DAI/VSD, USDT/VSD

  • Pools plan to add: Uniswap ETH/VSD, WBTC/VSD


  • Expansion price threshold: $1.05

  • Expansion target sell price: $1.05

  • Contraction price threshold: $0.95

  • Contraction target buy price: $0.95

Collateral Subsystem

  • Target collateral ratio: 90%

  • Initial collateral assets: USDC/DAI/ETH

  • Assets plan to add: WBTC

  • Redemption fee (if no debt): 5%

Coupon Subsystem

  • Default expiration: 15 epochs

  • Max debt ratio: 15%

  • Max coupon premium: 38%

  • Curve: 1(1āˆ’R)2āˆ’1\frac{1}{(1 - R)^2} - 1

Governance Subsystem

  • Voting length: 9 epochs

  • Proposal expiry: 3 epochs

  • Proposal threshold: 0.5% of total supply of VSD

  • Voting quorum: 20% of total supply of VSD

  • Super majority: 66% of total supply of VSD

  • Emergency delay: 6 epochs

Collateral Redemption Fee

  • 5% Fee (70% Core Team, 30% Community Fund)

Expansion Fee

  • LP DAO: 85%

  • Dev. fund: 10.5%

  • Community Fund: 4.5%


Last updated